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Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia学案

Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia学案

Teaching aims:

1. To learn some new words and expressions in the text.

2. To arouse students’ feelings of protecting our environment

Step1. Lead-in

What can we see in the following pictures?

Can you name the following natural disasters in English?

Have you experienced a sandstorm?

Can you describe your feelings about it?

----- It looks like a ___________________________________experience.

If you want to know more about sandstorms, please open your textbook and turn to page 32.


Step2. Fast Reading

方法指导1. 浏览标题   2. 读首段,抓中心。3. 浏览其他段首末句。4.最后读结尾段

Task1 : Read the text quickly and choose the best answer.

1. Sandstorms are strong winds carrying____ through the air. (      )

A. sand and dust    B. rain and heat    C. dirt and mud

2. Which of the following doesn’t belong to the main places where there are sandstorms? (     )

A. Central Asia    B. Central Africa    C. North Europe

3. What do the experts advise people to do when a sandstorm arrives? (     )

A. Don’t wear mask    B. Don’t go out    C. Don’t go to work as usual.

4. When sandstorms happen, what will you wear if you go out? (    )

A. A hat.        B. A coat.        C. A mask.         D. A tie.

5. How many kilometres is the desert away to the west of Beijing? (    )

A. 350.         B. 250.          C. 150.             D. 200.


Task 2:  This article can be divided into three parts, match the main ideas with each part.

Part I (para1)                    measures

Part II (para2--para5)              A major disaster in Asia ---sandstorm

Part Ⅲ (para6)                  description ; cause  ;influence  ; suggestion



Task1 : Read the text carefully and finish the following T or F exercises.

1. A government campaign has been started to help solve the sandstorm problem. (  )

2. The winds in a sandstorm can sometimes prevent you from seeing the sun. (  )

3. Northwest China is the sandstorm centre in Central Asia. (  )

4. The Chinese Central Weather Station can only forecast a sandstorm some months before it arrives. (  )

5. It is frightening to be cycling in a sandstorm. (  )

6. The government is planting trees to the east of Beijing to prevent the desert coming nearer. (  )

Task 2: Fill in the blanks according to the passage.



What are they?


They are (1) __________winds that carry sand.

How powerful are they?


They are strong enough to move (2) __________.

Where do they often occur? 


In Central Asia, (3) _____________, Central Africa and Australia.


Sandstorms in China



The cause


Sandstorms begin in (4) ___________and appear to have increased in recent years as a result of “desertification”. It is a process that happens when land becomes desert because of (5) _______ _______ and because people cut down trees and dig up grass.




in Beijing

Citizens wake up to a(n) (6) ______ sky and strong winds that cover the city in a thick,  brown-yellow dust. The storms sometimes last all day and affect traffic.


Two persons’


·Ren Jianbo described a sandstorm in Inner Mongolia.

·Huang Xiaomei told people about a sandstorm in(7)_______.



The measures


·A (8) ______________has been started in China.

·The government has already planted over (9) ________trees and plans to continue planting for the next (10) ____ years.

Task3: Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

1. Many ways have been tried to prevent sandstorms and in our country we have started a great movement to deal with it.


2. It was a frightening experience to have been trapped in a sandstorm.




What measures should we take to prevent sandstorms’ coming?




To protect the environment is to protect ourselves!


Some famous quotations:                  

The landscape belongs to the man who looks at it.

风景属于看风景的人。           -----Ralph Waldo Emerson


People create their environment, meanwhile, environment creates people.


                                                  ------Karl Max


Nature is a kind mother, as well as a cruel butcher.

大自然是善良的母亲,同时也是冷酷的屠夫 。



Step5. Homework:

As a student, how to protect our environment?

Write a composition about how to protect our environment.

2020年09月08日 17:42


2020年09月08日 17:43